Secret Santa Gift Ideas
Choosing a secret Santa gift can be quite tough. Firstly you might not know the recipient super well, secondly there’s often a budget you have to stick to and thirdly you don't want to be the one that bought the dud gift. Major awks!
So, we thought we’d help you out. We want to help you find the most fun, memorable, head turning, one-of-a-kind and delicious gifts so we’ve put together a list of our top shed picks.
1) For the dare devil ones among us. Sweet Cheesus Gourmet Popcorn. Cheese and Caramel mixed together! Sweet Cheesus how could popcorn tastes this good!
2) The Popcorn lover. This person eat, sleeps and breaths popcorn. Why not get them the 10 shed pack ?! One of every flavour! They will LOVE it! We promise.
3) The vegan. You want to buy them some tasty treats but need to know for sure that they’ll be able to eat them and that they’ll enjoy them. Well we’ve done the choosing and thinking for you. Check out our Vegan Bundle
4) The Wow Factor. A HUGE pouch with 14 bags. Behold the Party Pack.

Let the festive gift giving commence!

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